Any high student that has not turned in the following items please do so tomorrow Friday May 22,2020 between 8am to 3pm. Chromebook, case, & charger, Grandview, Jefferson College, or ATS textbooks Uniforms Pay fines Failure to return any of the above items will result in fees added to your fines.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
In order to allow for social distancing tonight's School Board meeting has been moved to the Middle School Gym. Just come in the front doors by the Middle School Office. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Middle School Gym set up for tonight's board meeting.
Don’t skip your child’s wellness check up!! Required vaccinations are extremely important for your child's health and the health of the community. Measles, whooping cough, meningitis, etc are very contagious and young ones are at risk. Local medical offices are still seeing patients for immunizations and they are practicing safe measures for your protection. DELAYING vaccination could lead to these diseases making a comeback. Any student entering kindergarten, 8th grade, or 12th grade should especially review their immunization history to make sure they are up to date.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Don't Hesitate, Vaccinate
The regular Grandview R-II School Board Meeting will be held in person, tonight May 21, at 7:00 in the Board Room located in the short hallway in the Middle School. The public is welcome.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
School Board Meeting
Thanks to Officer E during National Police Week.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Officer E
Grandview Seniors: Remember Friday, May 15, from 8am to 3pm is the scheduled time to turn in computers, cases, chargers, textbooks for ATS classes, pay fines, and pick up caps and gowns. Also, if you painted your parking space, please paint it black at your earliest convenience.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Superintendent Matt Zoph has a message concerning COVID-19 impacts on Eagle Nation. You can bring up a PDF of the letter by following the link below.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Locker Clean Out by Class: Monday (4/20), Juniors; Tuesday (4/21), Sophomores; Wednesday (4/22), Freshman. Come between 8AM-3PM. Trash bag will be provided to help collect personal items. Practice social distancing. Only 10 allowed in bldg. at one time.
almost 5 years ago, Deb Stukey
Locker Clean Out by Class: Friday (4/17), Seniors; Monday (4/20), Juniors; Tuesday (4/21), Sophomores; Wednesday (4/22), Freshman. Come between 8AM-3PM. Trash bag will be provided to help collect personal items. Practice social distancing. Only 10 allowed in bldg. at one time.
almost 5 years ago, Deb Stukey
Due to the current COVID-19 rules on social distancing the regular School Board meeting on April 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm will be streamed live on the School Board page of Grandview's website. You can follow this link:
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Virtural School Board Meeting
Letter from Superintendent Matt Zoph
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Letter from Matt Zoph
Here is a great resource for needed food during this shutdown.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Comtrea Food Pantry Drive Through
Due to the statewide stay at home order announced this evening by Gov. Parsons there has been a change in the schedule to pick up the next batch of assignment packets. The packets will now be available for pick up tomorrow Saturday, April 4, from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. Materials for elementary students can be picked up at the elementary building while middle school and high school materials will be available at the high school. In addition, products ordered from the detergent fundraiser can be picked up during this time as well.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Reminder to students that all ATS classes thru Jefferson College will resume in an online format starting Monday, March 30. It is imperative that you are checking your Jeffco email regularly to get important information from your instructors! Steps to log on are in school email.
almost 5 years ago, Deb Stukey
Food Service (during closure)- Moving to Mass Delivery: Starting Next Wednesday April 1st we will begin delivering all meals just once a week. So on Wednesday April 1st every child 18yrs old and under signed up to receive meals will receive (5) lunches and (5) breakfasts all on Wednesday. After next Wednesday the meals will only be delivered once weekly. You will not receive less meals than you are currently receiving, you will just receive them all at once. This move is being made for the safety of the staff. If you have any question please send myself or Travis Rogers (Transportation Director) and email. Thanks for your continued support as we navigate through these tough times
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Zoph
Update: March 23, 2020 4:00pm Grandview Community, I want to reach out to you and give you an important update on the COVID-19 situation and how it impacts our district. As you know, the Grandview staff is working diligently and remains committed to providing a learning environment that is focused on academic excellence in a safe environment while still working to meet the social and emotional needs of our students. With that in mind, we continue to adjust our plan as the COVID-19 crisis evolves. Following the announcement of stay-at-home regulations for March 24, 2020 - April 23, 2020, from the Jefferson County Health Department and Jefferson County Executive’s Office, and in collaboration with other area school districts, Grandview will be extending our school closure through Friday, April 24th, with a hopeful return date of Monday, April 27, 2020. As April 27th approaches, we will re-evaluate and determine if we will be able to resume school on that date. In addition to extending the school closure through Monday, April 27th, we will also be extending the cancelation of all school activities. We will also be keeping the campus closed to outside groups including all fields and gymnasiums. The track will remain open for walking but please practice social distancing. The Grandview Meals delivery will continue to provide meals to anyone under 18 years old. The form is still available on the school website. This action is being taken in an attempt to minimize health and safety risks in the Grandview School District community. Throughout the extended school closure, all district offices, and school buildings will be closed unless posted, and all district events, practices, and competitions that have been scheduled within and out of the district during this timeframe will be considered canceled until further notice. Communications will be forthcoming concerning academics, including educational packet pick up and drop off. Please take care of yourself, your family, and those around you and I encourage you to continue to adhere to the preventative measures as recommended by public health officials. Grandview is an amazing community, we will get through this together. Please be the calm! Respectfully, Matt Zoph Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Zoph
Grandview Community I was going to send this letter as a district email, but I feel it is important to share this communication with the Grandview community. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Grandview School Board of Education would thank all of the district’s administration, faculty, and staff for their aggressive reaction to the changes needed to continue educating our students, as well as look out for the well-being of our students during this very fluid situation. Mr. Zoph and the administration team started discussing how to prepare for this situation the week before the county made the recommendation to close county schools. When the county made the recommendation this Sunday to close schools, within an hour of the county’s decision Mr. Zoph and his team were at the school finalizing their plan, and within two hours of the county meeting Mr. Zoph and his administration provided that plan to the Board of Education in an emergency board meeting. In last nights regular scheduled board meeting it was very apparent that the faculty and staff put in an incredible amount of work to carry out the plan put in place by the administration. As a board, we would like to tell everyone at the Grandview District how much we appreciate this planning and effort!!!!!! Great job on providing the educational packets for the students, student support, daily interaction through social media, and working together to provide meals for the children of our community. It was also reported to the board in last nights meeting that the students have embraced the remote learning plan put in place by the district, and did a great job of transitioning the last day on campus. Thank you to the Grandview students for continuing to do the all the things that make our district great, and thank you to all of the parents and community members that have continued to support these students and the district! It doesn’t go unnoticed and it is greatly appreciated. Lastly, I want to thank the other members of the Grandview School Board. Being a member of the Board of Education is one of the most challenging things I have ever done, and I can’t thank the other board members enough for all of the hard work they put into continuously trying to improve our district. Grandview R2 District, as well as all districts, are in unchartered territory moving forward but I am confident in our board and the decisions that will be made moving forward. Thank you, Bob Gearhart Grandview R2 Board President #EAGLESTRONG
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Zoph
Due to the restrictions of gatherings with the COVID-19 pandemic the regular school board meeting on Thursday, March 19, will be closed to the public. However, you will be able to view the open session of the board meeting live at 7:00 pm on the Grandview Facebook page.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Remember the Grandview R-II School Campus is closed until April 6th at the earliest. No groups, teams, or organizations are to use the campus at any time during this closure. The welfare of our community is, as always, our top priority. In order help with the nutritional needs of Eagle Nation the Grandview School district is planning on having a food distribution service using our school buses for ALL students during the school cancellation due to the virus outbreak. Starting Wednesday, we will have buses driving their afternoon routes delivering dinner and the following mornings breakfast to all that sign up. The meals will be at no charge to the student and a parent, teenager or older child will need to meet the bus at the students’ regular bus stop around their normal afternoon stop time to receive the meals. Remember this a fluid circumstance and there is no precedent to determine how to proceed from this point. As a result, times may change as we have more students start to participate in this program. We will also deliver meals to the Richwoods school campus daily at 3:00 pm and the Londell school district is working on scheduling issues as well. To sign up for this program there is a form on the district’s Facebook page as well as the district home page at If you want to start your deliveries on Wednesday please sign up by noon tomorrow. For more information about the food delivery program call the Grandview Bus Garage at 636 944 3941 and choose extension 2. Be safe, wash your hands, and have a great day.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The Eagles Eye Newsletter for March has been posted. This link will let you see it.
almost 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten